

  • Thursday 18 July - 16:10-17:30 - Auditorium Lumière

    We are moving to rapid changes, of energy landscape (e.g. integration of low carbon hydrogen, electrification ….), of feedstocks (e.g. bio-sources or waste streams …) with a reduction of reliance on fossil fuels, evolution towards more efficient, sustainable and resilient technologies with increased focus on the CO2 footprint…  

    Catalysis has played a crucial role in the development of refining and petrochemical processes.
    ► What will be the role of catalysis in shaping the future of refining and petrochemistry ? 
    ► What are the critical research gaps and technological innovations needed ? 

    The panel session will bring together industrialists and academia to exchange on the different challenges that these changes bring to catalysis in the field of refining and petrochemistry.

    Moderators & Panelists

       - Moderators: John MURPHY, Clyde PAYN (The Catalyst group) 
       - Panelists:
    • Quentin Debuisschert (Axens)
    • Maxime Lacroix (TotalEnergies)
    • Doron Levin (ExxonMobil)
    • Hong Nie (Sinopec)
    • Ferdi Schuth (Max Planck Institute for Coal Research)
    Thursday 18 July - 16:10-17:30 - Bellecour 1+2+3

    Catalysis has played a crucial role in the development of chemical processes. The rapid emergence of renewable energies, the scarcity of resources (metals, minerals, water, etc.) and the need to reduce the CO2 emissions of catalysts/chemicals/processes together with their  environmental and societal impact are now radically changing the face of catalysis.

    This round table will mainly address the two following questions: 
    ► What will be the main scientific hurdles faced by industry in the field of catalysis, in a context of sustainable development?
    ► What are the main industrial expectations in terms of research in the field of catalysis for the next ten years? 

    Moderators & Panelists

        - Moderators: Mathieu ROUAULT (Journalist)
        - Panelists:
    • Nicolas Bats (Johnson Matthey)
    • Philippe Marion (SYENSQO)
    • Stephan Schunk (HTE)
    • Tihana Tresler (Saint-Gobain)
    Thursday 18 July - 16:10-17:30 - Prestige Gratte-Ciel

    The transition scenarios to the low-carbon energy in the chemical process industries are commonly based on the so-called Power-to-X concept, which basically assumes using the low-carbon or renewable electricity to produce fuels and/or chemicals. 

    While the electrocatalytic production of fuels from water, CO2 or nitrogen is undoubtedly of fundamental importance for decarbonizing (or rather defossilizing) the chemical sector, it is equally important to address possible applications of electricity-based heating methods, such as microwave, radio-frequency, induction/hysteresis or Joule heating, in industrial catalysis. 

    Examples of questions to be discussed:
    ​► Are some of the novel heating technologies more promising than the other? 
    ► Will we have enough renewable electricity to supply?
    ► Integrated, large-scale processes Vs. distributed, small-scale manufacturing? 
    ► Are expected decarbonisation effects large enough to justify the efforts? 
    ► Process economy: can this ever beat current technologies? 
    ► Industrial acceptance: how to make a convincing business case for the industry?
    ► How should further efforts be financed? 

    Moderators & Panelists

       - Moderators: Andrzej STANKIEWICZ, Enrico TRONCONI
       - Panelists:
    • Georgios Stefanidis (National Technical University of Athens)
    • Bruno Chaudret (University of Toulouse)
    • Dongxia Liu (University of Delaware)
    • Reyes Mallada (University of Zaragoza)
    • Alan Chaffee (Monash University)
    Thursday 18 July - 16:10-17:30 - Auditorium Pasteur

    How can data become a renewed source of knowledge in catalysis? How data sharing and curation be valued? How should experimental and computational datasets be composed and structured to enable evaluation by artificial intelligence? Do we need quality control and certified benchmarks and how can this be implemented institutionally? How catalysis informatics current tools can leverage data being poured online by open science policies? What is the upcoming role of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the catalysis research workflow?
    The goal of this round table is to discuss as a community where we stand today in terms of data related practices, digitalization of catalysis, and what we need to ensure that digital data becomes central to catalysis and which tools can take us further in our scientific endeavor.

    Round table Organisation (total duration 1h20):
    ► Participant introduction (short)
    ► Main discussion : Q&A between chairs and panelists 
    ► Questions open to Audience
    ► Short wrap-up / conclusion

    Moderators & Panelists

       - Moderators: Annette TRUNSCHKE, Pedro MENDES
       - Panelists:
    • Sandip De (BASF)
    • Núria López (ICIQ)
    • Ramazam Yildirim (Bogazici University)
    • Rebecca Fushimi (Idaho National Laboratory)
    Thursday 18 July - 16:10-17:30 - Amphitheatre

    The Young Scientists Committee is delighted to host a publishing panel session with esteemed representatives from the editorial boards of leading journals in catalysis which will be presented soon.
    This session will include:
    ► A "Writing skills" tutorial lecture :
    by Sandra González Gallardo (ChemCatChem - Chemistry Europe - Wiley)
    ► A panel discussion about the intricacies of the publishing process, shedding light on best practices, current trends, and the evolving landscape of digital publishing.

    Moderators & Panelists

    - Moderators: Anastasiia EFREMOVA, Liliana GONCALVES, Samira KURTOGLU-OZTULUM, Clément CAMP
    - Panelists:
    • Sandra González Gallardo (ChemCatChem, Chemistry Europe - Wiley)
    • Amy Welch (Chemical Science, RSC)
    • Susannah Scott (ACS Catalysis, ACS)
    • Kazuhiro Takanabe (Journal of  Catalysis, Elsevier)
    • Eric Piechota (Nature Communications, Nature publishing group)
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    ICC2024 logo and graphic design: SuperNova Design - ICC2024 photo : Frédéric Prochasson
    © Photos : Cité Internationale - Nicolas Robin, Nicolas Rodet, Studio Fly, Only Lyon - ww.b-rob.com, Frédéric Prochasson.

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